Whether exciting projects, innovative ideas or personal stories and hobbies: in our employee blog, our talented and committed employees give an insight into their daily experiences and thoughts. Take a look behind the scenes at Rutronik, be inspired and get to know the people who make our company so special.
September 22. 2024, Lilly Fegert
„Black tea, fish and chips, soccer and rain - these were my first thoughts when I was accepted to go to the Rutronik field office in Bolton for eight weeks.“
September 08. 2024, Bennet Frank
„In September 2024, 24 new apprentices and dual students, including myself, began our journey at Rutronik. From exciting team-building activities to an exhilarating Rutronik Rally and valuable training sessions – the introductory week was full of highlights. Discover how we got to know the company and its team culture.“
August 16. 2024, Maurice Unger
“Paris is like a good wine - the longer you stay, the better it gets.”
August 6. 2024, Alexander Reiter
“An experience that will remain a positive memory for the rest of my life.”
August 05. 2024, Lars Thüne
“Singapore: The perfect country for any newcomer to Asia. Even if Singapore is not the first country that springs to mind when you think of Asia, it comes highly recommended.”
“This semester abroad has helped me a lot both academically and personally.”
July 30. 2024, Yara Waidelich
July 25. 2024, Marc Höferer
From a small town to 18,000,000 inhabitants in just 40 years…
July 17th 2024, Jennifer Tillner
"It happened on a gloomy Sunday afternoon when my plane took off for Italy and my 9-week stay in Milan began. It sounds like a thriller, but in fact it was the beginning of my stay abroad in Milan. The city of fashion, pizza and pasta..."
March 22nd 2024, Lilly-Benice Fegert
"Last Thursday was a special experience for us trainees and students, as we had the opportunity to welcome spring in style."
January 29th 2024, Luisa Müllich
"I was impressed by the fact that you can get to know so many different departements at Rutronik."
January 22nd 2024, Meike Schaible
"I was very excited and eager to work in a new environment and expand my skills in an international context."
8th September 2023, Samuel Walch, Nebi-Arif Dursun
28 new trainees started at Rutronik this year. An exciting start to their vocational training was on the agenda for the newcomers.
January 26th 2023, Cedric Geiger
"The Hungarian language is quite complex and difficult to learn, so there were only 2 words I could bring back to Germany - hello (Szia) and thank you (Köszönöm)", Mr. Geiger remembers of his semester abroad in Budapest (Hungary).
December 20th 2022, Joshua Gänshirt
This year's Cookie Battle decided who baked the best in 2022.
December 15th 2022, Tim Scholten
Rutronik warmly congratulates its 2022 Bachelor graduates on completing their degree.
September 7th 2022, Pablo Campoy Vidal, Rahel Richter, Vanessa Veseli
In this as in previous years, for sixteen junior staff the training and dual study course began with a collective five-day starter week, with the emphasis not just on getting to know the company from the ground up but also establishing initial contact with one another.
February 9th 2022, Benjamin Herman
"In my opinion, you do not have to travel to the end of the earth to gain new experiences and broaden your horizons, sometimes a simple trip across the border is enough," says our dual-study student Benjamin Herman (Business Administration - Management in Commerce) after spending a semester abroad at HEG in Geneva.
February 1st 2022
Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH is represented on several social networks to communicate with interested applicants, trainees, employees, customers, partners and the public.
December 3rd 2021
As the name sponsor of the Rutronik Stars Keltern women's basketball team, Rutronik regularly follows the games of the women's team in the Basketball Bundesliga or at international tournaments such as the EuroCup.
December 1st 2021
The electrical engineering degree has been successfully completed, the professional foundation has been laid - but what happens next?
November 15th 2021
As interns, as working students or as part of their final theses, external students make a valuable contribution to the success of Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH. Working students Lena, John and Nicolas talked to us about their experiences at Rutronik.
You want to read more please klick here.
November 1st 2021
After gaining a wealth of theoretical and practical knowledge and passing many exams in the process, the champagne corks were finally popped. After three years, it was time to congratulate all the dual-study students from the class of 2018 on completing their bachelor’s degree courses - and we finally did it in person again!
You want to read more please klick here.
September 10th 2021
An introductory week full of theory and team-building activities awaited our twenty budding specialists. The relaxed atmosphere provided them with the opportunity to get to know each other and to make new contacts.
Read all about the week's events here.
September 1st 2021
You never stop learning - at Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH, we have taken this literally and continue to offer our employees the opportunity for a wide range of internal training, even during the global Corona crisis. Rutronik is thus one of the 36% of companies in Germany that have expanded their digital training offering in response to the pandemic, in order to provide a comprehensive range of further training despite the precautionary measures in place.
August 19th 2021
Honor to whom honor is due – Rutronik says “congratulations” on completing vocational training!
You want to read more please klick here.
July 1st 2022
At Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH, every employee makes an important contribution to our joint success with his or her performance and competence. In order to constantly strengthen these important competences and to be able to guarantee the best possible further development, further training and lifelong learning have a particularly high priority at Rutronik.
April 19th 2021
The pandemic has been occupying our professional and private lives for more than twelve months now. Face masks have become fashion accessories, working and studying from home a new reality. Lessons at vocational training colleges were either cancelled or reduced to a minimum, and we have all learned to keep in touch virtually. How does actual distance learning work at vocational training colleges and how have our dual-study students managed to participate in lectures and sit exams under pandemic conditions?
February 25th 2021, Sarah Sievers and Adelina Chiarello
Adelina Chiarello completed her apprenticeship in Wholesale and Foreign Trade in February this year. During a Webex interview, she explained how the pandemic impacted her exam revision work and how she, nevertheless, prepared optimally for her final exams. Adelina shares her thoughts on the final months of her training course under read more.
January 29th, 2021 Sarah Sievers and Daniel Rapp
Daniel Rapp started his ‘Business Administration for Management in Commerce’ dual study course at Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH on October 1, 2020. After completing an initial theoretical phase at the Cooperative State University (DHBW) in Karlsruhe, the practical phase of his course in the ‘PMP-Capacitors’ product marketing team commenced in January 2021.
We spoke to him about his first impressions of the department and the dual study course at DHBW.
October 15th 2020, Sarah Sievers and Holger Hary
The German business magazine CAPITAL set out for the fourth time to find Germany's best vocational training company. Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente was one of the companies awarded!
October 12th 2020, Sarah Sievers and Holger Hary
"Commited to Excellence" will also pay off for students at Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH in 2020. Despite the ongoing corona crisis, the Rudel family is counting on their young talents.
September 8th 2020, Laura Engel and Mona Kuhn
On September the 1st, 2020, 14 new apprentices and dual students started a new chapter at Rutronik. The new phase of life began with an exciting and informative inductory week.
May 26th 2020 Annalena Kärcher
"I’m extremely grateful that I was able to gain this valuable experience abroad and would’ve regretted it very much had I not picked Kaunas." Annalena Kärcher, student Business Administration - Retail/Sales Management, after her semester abroad, beginning of the year 2020 in Lithuania.
January 23, 2020 Lena Dettinger and Tim Roos
Rutronik kicked off 2020 by participating in the regional education and training fair ‘Einstieg Beruf’ in Karlsruhe.
December 9, 2019 Sarah Gerlich
At the grand final of the Junior Management Contest 2019, budding managers from the local region - including four trainees from Rutronik - competed to come up with the best business idea!
October 31, 2019
"Commitment to excellence": Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH acknowledges special accomplishments by apprentices and students.
October 16, 2019
The onset of autumn heralded the start of the trade fair season at the training department at Rutronik. Numerous exhibitors presented a wide range of training professions, internships, dual study courses or extensive advance training possibilities, also Rutronik.
September 9, 2019, Laurin Dahn and Marvin Schiffel
A new chapter of life started for all first-year apprentices and students at Rutronik on September 2, 2019.
May 29, 2019, Vanessa Maas and Nadine Seidl
This year’s excursion for trainee staff and students at Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH took place on May 27 in the Europapark.
April 18, 2019, Sebastian Schöpf
On Wednesday, April 17, 2019, Rutronik held its first regular trainee get-together at “Lehners” bar in Pforzheim.
January 18, 2019
Silas Koch is studying industrial engineering in his second term and reports about his trip to India
September 07, 2018
Pierre Weissheimer, Apprentice in wholesale and foreign trade made an internship and wrote about his experience in Bolton, UK.
September 18, 2018 Jacqueline Gunko and Johannes Eisenmenger
The time had finally come on September 3, 2018. After surviving the long summer holidays we – the new apprentices and students at Rutronik – were now ready to start a new chapter in our lives.
June 21, 2018, Lena Schmid and Sandra Liebschner
(BBQ gGmbH)
Julia Kolem, the Personnel Development Officer, welcomed eight girls to the Pforzheim for the first Girls’ Day Academy on May 15, 2018.
April 20, 2018, Vincent Krieg
17 selected students from the Lise Meitner Gymnasium secondary school were able to get to know Rutronik for one day on March 23, 2018.
April 13, 2018, Julia Kolem
After 2.5 years of intensive learning, college work and a great deal of practical work the time had finally come: the final examination was just around the corner.
February 14, 2018, Valerie Priszlinger
The Nagold-Pforzheim Employment Agency organized the “Beruf Aktuell” careers fair at the CCP and Jahnhalle in Pforzheim again on Saturday, February 3, 2018. Rutronik was represented, as it is every year, with a stand on the upper floor of the CCP.
January 22, 2018, Marcel Fritz and Lukas Werner
German students from the Cooperative State University in Karlsruhe had the opportunity for the first time ever to participate in an exchange with the “University of Mandalay” in the form of a compact program.
January 11, 2018, Cecina Ockernahl, Alica Müller and Pierre Weissheimer
This year's Christmas party for apprentices and dual study program students was held on December 12, 2017.
December 21, 2017
In keeping with the tradition, the apprentices/dual study program students supervised the waffle stand at the Rutronik Advent party this year too.
December 20, 2017, Selina Geiger
After strenuous preliminary discussions and energetic talks among the helpers it became clear: there will be waffles, roasted almonds, gingerbread and bags of candy.
November 21, 2017
The meeting point was in front of Camlog/Altatec in Wimsheim, where the Junior Manager Contest was taking place on November 11 at 8.30 a.m.
November 2, 2017
At the scientific IWIS 2017 conference in Chemnitz, Jil Ehnis and Andreas Mangler received an award for the conference’s best scientific publication.
October 6, 2017, Jan Schneider
Induction week for the new apprentices and students on dual study programs.
August 23, 2017
The first clue that the apprentices and students of Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH were given for this year's trip, caused a huge stir: the approximately 40 participants were going to head towards Freiburg by bus in the morning and after two thirds of the way there, take exit 57b to reach their destination.