Stay abroad Bolton An experience for the ages

„Black tea, fish and chips, soccer and rain - these were my first thoughts when I was accepted to go to the Rutronik field office in Bolton for eight weeks.

September 22. 2024, Lilly Fegert , Kauffrau für Groß- und Außenhandelsmanagement

Black tea, fish and chips, soccer and rain  

These were my first thoughts when I was accepted to go to the Rutronik field office in Bolton for eight weeks. My adventure in Manchester began on July 21, 2024. When I arrived there, I was first allowed to travel to Bolton on a typical English double-decker bus.

The next day, I was welcomed by my English colleagues. Over the next eight weeks, I had the opportunity to get to know every department and support my colleagues in their daily tasks. Around 45 employees work in the Bolton office in the areas of sales, product marketing, accounting, technical support and quoting.

A personal highlight was visiting customers in the historic city of Edinburgh with one of our electrical engineers. After the business meetings, I was able to explore the city in the evening and sample Scottish cuisine. As the famous Military Tattoo (a major royal music festival held in the courtyard of Edinburgh Castle since 1950) was taking place at this time, you could listen to numerous bagpipes being played on the sides of the streets. These two days were extremely enriching and interesting, both culturally and in terms of business.

Other unforgettable experiences were my visits to Manchester and my short trip to London.

In Manchester, I was able to experience the vibrant soccer culture at first hand and the heated discussions about whether Manchester United or Manchester City is the better soccer club. The city has developed a lot in recent years and has become extremely culturally diverse, not least thanks to immigration. There are many museums and art galleries here, as well as a small food market with dishes from all over the world and a small Chinatown in the city center.

London, the vibrant metropolis, has an incredible amount to offer. In addition to the famous sights, you should definitely visit a theater or musical. At weekends, there are street food and second-hand markets all over the city where you can discover many treasures. We definitely recommend exploring the city on foot in good weather - from Tower Bridge to Hide Park, it's a great day trip to see all the famous sights.


I was able to develop not only linguistically, but also culturally and professionally during these eight weeks. It was an experience that I will remember forever. Since my return, I only drink black tea with milk instead of coffee.

A little hint: In England, payment is almost exclusively by card. So if you are planning a trip to the island, you no longer need to exchange cash at the bank. In some stores, you can no longer even pay with cash.